Sunday, November 7, 2010

Culture teaches us emperical measurement but God counts differently

Cultural teaches us to measure empirically. In a market driven environment personal satisfaction, esteem and identity is produced, then measured, via the net utility of 'what you do'. Market logic demands that people be commodities of their work, so that their 'exchange value' is measured by what goods, services, ideas, and relationships they create and produce. We then bring these culturally reinforced ideas of the measure of worth to our Christian lives/ministry/church. We rush to measure with the wrong ruler; hence our frustration and questioning 'What is God doing?' Importantly, I think, the bible does not assess work's adequacy via productivity, rather, faithfulness to the task entrusted to them (Matt. 24:45; cf 25:21, 23). We (I) need to transform the mind set and begin to think with a gospel paradigm (Rom. 12:1ff) The trouble is vine stuff is difficult to measure and remains a little unseen; where as the Trellis stuff is visible and noticeable. We (I) will need like minded people around me to remain focused on the main game.

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely! It's SO much easier to stick to the main game when we've got a team around us to keep us honest.


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