Vine work = Prayerful Proclamation of the gospel that People may be saved and changed into disciple-making disciples.
Vine-workers = EVERY Christian.
'To be a disciple is to be a disciple-maker'. [43]
Its through prayer, proclamation and people that God is building his church and growing his kingdom. This is something every Christian is called to participate in.
Like the first rule of the footy field brawl: It’s ONE in - ALL in!
What is it, I wonder, that stops me prayerfully proclaiming?
Sometimes it’s simply my laziness or selfishness or desire for comfort...
Other times though, I suspect it’s my wrong assumption that proclamation (be it for edification or even more often for evangelism) must always be ‘all’ or ‘nothing’ - and so, not surprisingly, I choose nothing. But of course there is a whole lot of ‘something’ in between ‘all’ and ‘nothing’ - including the things mentioned by Marshall on pages 54-56 and a whole lot more besides.
Perhaps us Pressies have a transcendent heavy view of the Christian life and God? God's imminence ought to keep us vitally engaged.