Saturday, November 27, 2010

Patience Really is a Virtue

As I read the call to train co-workers, identify future leaders and build a ministry team from the ground up... As I read the advice to particularly and strategically focus our efforts on the few who in time can multiply the ministry - rather than the many who cross our path... I am rebuked for my impatience and my desire for quick ‘results’.

Patience really is a virtue in Christian ministry.

A patience borne from a deep trust in God’s sovereign ability to care for those we necessarily choose not to and a patience which keeps the bigger picture in view.

Far better to sow deeply and patiently in a few - who in turn can sow deeply and patiently in a few - who in turn can sow deeply and patiently in a few... than to try and do it all alone. Far better to multiple good gospel ministry by multiplying good gospel ministers... than to merely multiply my own efforts.

May God give us the patience we need to serve him well.

May God give us the courage we need to say no to the good so we can say yes to the best.

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